Monday, March 31, 2008

Internet Woes, etc.

It's been another week and an half since I made a post because we still are between internet providers. I canceled Charter when they continued to screw up correcting our problem and call AT&T. And, of course, they started the relationship off by screwing up the switch-over. Hence, we were stuck waiting an extra week to get them hooked up; and the story isn't over yet because tomorrow is the day they are supposed to get it done...finally. It's even money with the Vegas bookies that it still won't be done. *&!*

I'm traveling today--currently sitting in the Salt Lake City airport waiting for a connecting flight that has, to this point, been delayed 2 hours. It was coming from Chicago and I guess the storm in the Midwest has everything screwed up. Although we did leave St. Louis right on time. I'm trying to get to Seattle for a couple of days of interviewing for a new job. I'll write more about it if I get it. No reason to bore anyone with details if it doesn't work out--I'll only bore you if it does work out.

I'm reading a book by Margaret Feinberg called The Organic God. I've gotten through 4 chapters and so far it's been great. I just finished a book by Dan Merchant called Lord, Save Us from Your Followers--it was excellent. I recommend both of them if you feel like there's something missing in how the church approaches non-believers and difficult social and ethical problems. In fact, I recommend them even more if you DON'T feel that way. We (the church) have to realize that the U.S. is the way it is in large part because we have created battle lines and demanded black and white choices be made when the issues don't support that kind of reaction.

One example is homosexuality. Now, I have no misunderstanding about what the Bible has to say on this subject. God considers it a sin. But he also considers adultery a sin, drunkenness, pornography, extra-marital sex, oppression, etc.--all things that are much more prevalent and, I believe, dangerous (because the people in our churches are just as guilty of these things as the people outside our churches). But we ignore the latter, refusing to preach on them except with rare exceptions and often refusing to discuss them. But we constantly hear sermons condemning homosexuals, churches post websites claiming to hate them, we condemn them to hell and refuse fellowship with them. Guess where Jesus would be spending time if he were here today? Yep...with the sinners, the sick, the lonely and outcast. Not because he approved of what they were doing but because he loves them and won't abandon them. The hypocrites get the boot and the sinners get the relationship.

I'm sure this won't be the last time I get off on this subject (it certainly isn't the first). In the meantime, pray for peace.


1 comment:

Margaret Feinberg said...

Thanks for the recommendation I appreciate it.
