Friday, March 21, 2008

Charter Sucks

This won't be a very long post, but I wanted to get something on here since it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. Why so long, you ask? Because Charter Communications has the absolute worst customer service process of any corporation with which I have dealt. The people with whom I spoke were nice, and it's likely not their fault that their company sucks--they've been set up for failure by the idiots who run the place. Anyway, I digress...our service went out and rather than the 24-48 hour return we were promised it's been over a week and still nothing...I cancelled the peckerwoods and we will be switching. In the meantime, I guess I'll be making periodic trips to local joints with free wi-fi.

Since my last post several things have happened. Liz went to and returned from NYC with her high school choir. Apparently they had a great time. She still loves NY and claims she wants to live there some day, but it was gratifying to see that she was also excited to be home.

Sandi and Becca left this morning for an overnighted to Springfield, IL. They took the train and they're going to visit the Lincoln Museum with a friend and her daughter.

I am in the final run-up to changing jobs again--only this time changing companies as well--scary but exciting. I should hear something early next week.

That's all for now; keep praying.

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