Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Lord, Help Us

I've been hearing about the website for the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS. Their web address is 'Godhatesfags.com'. I finally visited the site because I had to see for myself if it was as bad as I had heard. Sadly, it was worse. It's no wonder people look at the church and see bad things. I don't think it's because the church is full of bad people, but the churches that seem to get the publicity--or, at least, the kind of publicity that most folks remember--are the ones that make God the saddest. In their own words they "insist that the sovereignty of God and the doctrines of grace be taught and expounded publicly to all men." Wow. How could they have any idea of what grace really is? Any so-called Christian who uses the word 'hate' in reference to another human being has never read any of the letters that John wrote because, according to John, as soon as you hate someone else you condemn yourself. You declare yourself to be a liar; someone who has no clue who God is. WBC even has links to other sites such as 'God Hates Canada', 'God Hates Sweden', 'God Hates Mexico', 'God Hates Ireland', 'God Hates America' and 'Priests Rape Boys'. WBC does not know God. And guess what? We still have to love the people of Westboro; no matter how much hate and venom they spew or how much they tarnish the church and, worse by far, the name of God. Man, Jesus was right when he said this wouldn't be easy.

Pray for WBC.

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