Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Teaching Again

I taught at the college gathering tonight at the Realm. It's been a while since I taught in that type of setting and it's always a rush. The group was very engaged and we had some lively discussion at the end. I even got to pretend that it worked out the way I planned it--although that is what I had hoped for.

The lesson was on what it means to have a Christian world view. In order to have a viable ethical construct upon which to base our moral choices, we must have a biblical foundation. Ethical systems built without it fall apart in the face of moral relativism. Without a concept of God as the ultimate authority for our system, I cannot ultimately defend any ethical precept as being independent of human whim. It becomes just another victim of logic; I cannot logically assert and defend the position that my ethic has more authority than yours unless the source of it is outside of human control and influence.

Part two of the teaching news is that I will be preaching the 2 Sunday morning services at FBCH on August 10th. It is kind of my audition for the interim preaching job while we search for a permanent replacement for David in the head pastor's slot. I would honestly like to be considered for that position, but I don't think there would ever be a chance I could be chosen. My experience is limited and my pedigree lacking in the PhD department. I believe that with God's help I could do it, but I don't know if God would support my desire any more than the church would. Anyway, the interim gig will likely be 8 to 12 months. It would give me a great chance to sharpen my gift and skills, get some valuable experience and get some exposure for other speaking/preaching opportunities in the years to come. It might even get me a shot at a pastor's job somewhere else.

My true prayer is that if God gives me this chance that I will approach it with total humility and a full commitment to see lives changed through what God says through me. I want to be good at it and enjoy it and grow because of it. My best learning takes place when I am allowed to teach others.

I'm torn by what to preach on. I have several messages on my heart at this point and just pray that God will make one of the choices clear to me.

Pray for peace.

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