Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Liz got back from her Mexico mission trip Sunday. She was very tired, but excited about the trip--I guess. It's hard to really get any real conversation out of her about it. I've been able to hear conversations she's had with friends about it and they indicate that she was effected by it in a good way. I hope it will turn her heart even more toward Jesus and toward service.

I leave with our team for Romania in 2 days; actually in less than 36 hours. How cool is that?! We've been keeping a journal of our daily Bible study for the past 30 days and I can look back at it now and see God preparing me for what he has in store for me; not just in Romania, but well beyond.

I came back from a business trip to Columbus, OH last Friday sans one laptop computer. How stupid was that? I left it in the hotel room on the desk right next to where I was standing when I packed the cord, mouse and other peripheral gear. It's been an adventure trying to get it shipped back so that it will arrive before I depart for Europe, but it left there today and is supposed to be here by 10:30 tomorrow. I checked online and it is definitely on the way. I still can't believe I did that.

Becca got to see the Jonas Brothers tonight. It was a total surprise for her. Sandi bought the tickets about a month ago with one of Becca's friend's mom so they could go together. Pretty cool deal for her. I can't believe our baby girl is starting to grow up. They'll both be gone before you know it.

Sandi and Becca were in Alabama for just over a week and got home last night. I was glad to see them home again. I missed them a ton.

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