Saturday, January 19, 2008

Just Stuff

Tons of stuff going on these days but not a lot worth writing about...'course that's kind of the point sometime; just to put stuff out there whether it's worthwhile or not.

I am transferring to a new work site. I'll be doing the same thing (safety) with the same company, just at a new plant. It will be a good bit closer to home so maybe I won't be homocidal by the time I get here every evening. I hated leaving my old plant because I've made lots of good friends there. But this might be the only chance I get to be this close to home so I figured I had better take advantage of it.

Anybody else sick of the presidential race yet? Only 9.5 months to go!

2 big football games on tomorrow. I can't watch the Chargers game, though. It will make me too mad when the Pats win and I don't need that kind of aggravation.

Go Pack!
Pray for Peace.

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