Sunday, January 13, 2008

Football, mostly

OK...I think it's time to just admit that the SEC rocks college football like Einstein rocked physics and Liz Taylor rocked husbands. I mean seriously; did Ohio State even show up for the LSU game? At 7-2 for the bowl 'season' the SEC schools showed again why there are really only 2 football conferences in Division I-A; although the Big 12 certainly had an off year in bowl games. Goes to show you why a so-called powerhouse like FSU would tuck its tail and run to the ACC when it started looking for conference money. Kudos to Mizzoo, however. They hammered an Arkansas team that handed LSU one of its 2 losses (both to conference teams and both in OT). The biggest disappointment in the bowl games was OU (sorry Chappy). How the heck do they get man-handled by a Big East team? By the way, college football needs a playoff system bad. BCS must stand for Big College Stupidity.

Turning briefly to the NFL, I have to admit that, in spite of my extreme dislike for the Patriots organization, they have one good football team. I hated seeing them go undefeated in the regular season and I just pray that the Chargers can pull off the miracle and keep them out of the Super Bowl. On the bright side, Dallas is out and my Packers are playing like wildmen. Watch out for the Giants, boys, they're on a tear. But as long as the hogs keep their front four off of Brett, he'll pick 'em to pieces. Cheeseheads of the world unite. Let's send BF into retirement with one more Stud Bowl win and a big honkin' ring. Won't be a dry eye in the house.

Roll Tide and Go Pack Go.

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