Saturday, December 8, 2007

I can't believe it's been almost a week since I posted. It's been crazy busy both at work and at home; plus our internet was out for a couple of days when we switched from cable to dish. The guy doing the install disconnected our high speed cable by accident and we didn't realize it until he was gone. Then it took a couple of days for him to be able to come back and fix it. What's weird is how disconnected it made us feel to be without our email and Facebook and all of that stuff. It's a little embarrassing to realize where our priorities lie. The world's going to hell in VW Microbus and we're freaked out because our high speed access is down. I'm not even sure I still remember how to use dial up.

Last night was full of activity. The plant employee Christmas party was right after work in Arnold. I had to leave it early to get home and get ready to go to Sandi's office Christmas party out in New Town. And we missed the Infusion Christmas Karaoke Night at the Realm altogether. I'm disappointed about that because I bet it was funny. I haven't talked to anybody yet to see how my boys did in the contest.

Sandi and I have been very lazy so far today. She's worked on decorations a little and I've pretty much just laid around and read Relevant magazine. Becca spent the night with a friend last night and Liz had a friend over here. Now Becca's home and Liz left. Oh well, I guess that's what cold, rainy December Saturday's are for.

Joy and peace for your family.

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