Sunday, August 10, 2008

Final Romania Post

We've been back in the U.S. for almost a week now and I wanted to add a closing chapter to the story. When I last posted, we were packing for the trip home. We obviously made it, but not completely uneventfully. First, I slept virtually none at all the night before leaving--maybe an hour and a half. Then the first 2 legs of the journey went off without a hitch: Bucharest to Munich and Munich to Chicago. And, of course, as soon as we got back into the states the whole thing went into the crapper. All the flights, including the one we were booked on, from Chicago to STL were cancelled. I still don't know why. The weather was perfect in St. Louis and just a light sprinkle in Chicago. Plenty of other flights were taking off. We ended up renting vans and driving the final leg of the trip. None of us had any intention of spending the night in Chicago after being gone for 11 days and spending the previous 20 hours either on planes or in airports. We finally made it home about 8 PM--roughly 3 hours later than expected, but home nonetheless. Hooray. I make this pledge to you today: Unless I have absolutely no other option, I will never fly to, through or out of Chicago O'Hare Airport again so long as I live. For the second time in less than a month I was nearly stranded there for no apparent reason. Heck with that.

A few quick final observations about Romania:

  • We couldn't flush toilet paper through their system (no one can; it wasn't just because we were American), so after you wiped the TP had to be deposited into a waste can positioned next to the toilet.
  • There are blueberries in Romania that are smaller and sweeter than the ones we have here and they are FREAKING DELICIOUS!
  • Romanian roads are, generally, very rough.
  • I got to drive a car while I was in Romania.
  • I have 3 Romanian friends on Facebook now.
  • I desperately hope to return to Romania next year.

Pray for peace.


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