Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 9 Update

This was the final day with the kids, which was tough. We were at our third village for the week and this one for only one day. But it's still easy to get attached to the kids. We had only 12 today, but they were great with the stories and games and the crafts. Pastor Sylviu the Brother Daniel from the local church stayed with us all day, which hadn't happened any of our other days. They hung out with the kids some, played the games some and even did some of the crafts. The kids responded well and several prayed to accept Christ at the end of the day.

Lucy's team had a smaller group than we did, with only 11 kids, but they also talked about how much more attention you can give to the kids that way. I think we would all like to have larger numbers, but there are pros and cons to each. The best bet is to be excited about what the Lord provides and work within those parameters.

Bruce's team had about 30 plus kids and had an adventure at a brick-making operation (or at least Dan considered it an adventure; but he's an engineer). Ask Dan about it sometime. He'll be glad to share.

It's very late and I'm very tired. I'll share more tomorrow and Sunday as we finish up our trip.

Pray for peace.

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