We are going to 'the forest' (not sure what that means yet, but Lucy says it's OK) for a barbecue today. It will include the pastors of the Baptist churches we have been working with as well as their families; and also the people who assisted us as translators and other things throughout the past week. Apparently a Romanian barbecue is meat--and just meat. That's my kind of barbecue. Don't mess up the flow with a bunch of silly vegetables and fiber. It should be fun.
I guess the photo seen here needs a little explanation. It seems that Dan made quick friends with a brick maker who also had a pet chicken (Dan's the one on the left). All the details are a bit fuzzy, which, under the circumstances, is probably for the best. My most reliable info says that Dan wandered onto the operation by accident and, being the engineer that he is, had to see how it worked. Then he asked for a brick as a souviner and was offered a wheel barrow full of them. They settled on 2 bricks of different sizes so that Dan could have a variety. As far as I know, the chicken pics were free as well. Pastor Vasile suggested that there might be sinister designs involving the bricks and Dan's mother-in-law, but he (Dan) insists that nothing could be farther from the truth. He intends to paint pastoral scenes from the Romanian countryside on all 6 surfaces of the larger brick to present to his lovely bride. Laurie, you are a lucky woman.
We will have fun today and homemade pie tonight.
God bless.
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