Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mirror Image

I have been a spectator recently of a bit of drama that is developing within the youth ministry at our church. A small but vocal minority of students have begun to speak out with great rancor and venom about the things within the ministry that displease them. How quaint. As an observer, I have been alternately proud and ashamed; proud to see how many of the students have been supportive of their ministery and their minister and how they've tried to keep a dialogue going with a background of love; and ashamed to see how well our kids have learned to imitate their parents' tendencies within the church. (This is obviously true of one particular kid who is the instigator).

We have argued and vilified one another in the name of due diligence to protect our liturgical preferences and doctrinal positions until our children see it as their birthright to act similarly. Can we be satisfied with this legacy? But, there are glimpses of greater things; students who want to find the Godly solution. They can seem a bit clumsy at it in their youth--we all remember what it's like to have only the desire to rush in and start fixing things regardless of if it's all higledy pigledy. The sad truth, though, is that their efforts seem clumsy because they haven't really had a good example to follow.

It's not too late to change our legacy. It's never too late to love one another...they will know we are his disciples by our love for one another (John 13).

Pray for peace.

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