Friday, April 18, 2008

AT&T Sucks Too

A while back I was ranting about how mad we were at Charter for all the problems we were having with our internet connection, so we switched to AT&T. Bad move. Slow connection and I am pretty sure they have an entire department whose only job is to make it so difficult and burdensome to contact them about any kind of customer service issue that people will just get so pissed off waiting and wading through endless automated electronic menus that they will just hang up. Well, next week they will discover that I am more than patient enough to stay on there long enough to cancel their service. Phttbb.

By the way, what happened to calling up a business and talking to an actual person? I mean, who decided that the best way to deal with people was by not dealing with them? I called my doctor the other day and after 5 minutes of menu driven madness I was finally able to leave a message! Thank God I wasn't sick.

Is it possible to love gadgets but hate technology?


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