Saturday, November 17, 2007

Another Day

Nothing heavy today...I had to work which I didn't really want to do, but figured I'd better because Christmas is coming and I usually don't get paid for my OT but today I did...whew.

Question: Why is it never obvious to the people who so obviously have double standards that they obviously have a double standard?

Liz (my oldest daughter) is in her final night of her play at school and tonight is the night we are attending. I love to watch her perform but I wish we had gone to one of the performances earlier in the week because I'm really tired.

When we get home from that I have to finish the lesson I'm teaching for the middle school kids tomorrow morning at church. It shouldn't take long, but it's just another thing to have to do. I'm teaching about Jesus' role as shepherd. It focuses quite a bit on how he really does want the best for us and he promises to always care for us. I think people completely misconstrue this idea by thinking it means that he will guarantee that nothing bad ever happens to us. We have no concept that the real value of the relationship we have with Jesus will be realized when this life the afterlife. We'll be secure with him forever. In this life it means that we can count on him for joy and peace even in the midst of turmoil and pain. That's a hard lesson--goes against our nature. We think that joy and peace are equal to happiness and that they can only be present in the absence of turmoil and pain. In the Psalm, when David writes that "even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil", he's giving us a huge clue. He's saying that the cool and amazing thing about God is that even when I'm completely up against it because of stuff that's happening to me in my life, knowing God intimately gives me the courage to keep going. Even when I really am scared I can still find comfort, joy and peace in my relationship with him.

BAM!! Relationship! That's what God wants from us--not robots who know all the words and movements to the rituals. He hates that. Talk to him; cry with him; yell at him; seek him; know him. Intimacy. That's the key to getting through the crappy times of life.

Love God--pray for justice.

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