Saturday, February 23, 2008

Well, we got our tax refund this week; that's always nice--not a bad one this year. Of course, it never lasts long. There's plenty of bills that need to be paid with it. Maybe there'll be a little left for fun stuff.

I'm sick and tired of stupid winter and totally ready to move back down south. You'd think that since I don't have to work outside in it any more that it wouldn't bother me so much, but just the opposite seems to be true. And this winter seems worse than most of the recent ones. It's probably just because I have to drive so much farther in it that it bugs me so much. There's another batch of snow and crap coming through tonight and tomorrow. The girls were out of school Thur. and Fri. this past week. And I haven't hit a golf ball since early November; that really sucks. Especially since we didn't get to make our trip home for Christmas. I was planning on playing a bunch then. Oh, well...maybe we won't be trapped in the Midwest forever.

I'm starting to wonder if I totally misread the calling that I thought God gave me (not to totally change the subject or anything). It seems like I've been waiting forever for God to hook me up with a full time ministry job and nothing's happened. And I haven't just been sitting on my hands. I've applied at places and talked to people. I try to bide my time patiently and keep everything in perspective, but my age is becoming a factor as well. My current career is a good one, but I need/want to do some additional things--more education, for instance--to enhance it, but I don't want to invest a lot of money and time in it only to have to stop mid-stream and change course if God sees fit to hook me up. It's really very frustrating. I've tried to get something going at our current church, but that's a slow-moving vessel if ever there was one. And I also recently sent a resume to a church in northwest Florida, but they haven't even acknowledged that they received it. I have the skills and the intellect, but I can't get the opportunity. Did I mention that it's frustrating?

At least we know that the coming of Spring is inevitable. It will arrive and with it will come not only new life, but renewed spirit and hope. Winter is down time in more ways than one. Hey, at least we don't live in Seattle ('cause it rains so much--not because it's a bad place; I actually kind of liked it the only time I visited).

Pray for me that I'll stop being so whiny...and pray for peace. God knows we need it.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's Day

Well, another manufactured holiday has come and gone. One cool thing that happened was that our friends Josh and Erin had their baby (I almost said 'new' baby, but they are pretty much all new by definition, aren't they?). It is a little girl--Brooklyn. Congrats to them; now Noah and Anna have their little sister.

Sandi's about over her bout with whatever she had. The doc said it wasn't the flu, but something else that's been going around. She still has the cough, but is feeling much better otherwise. Apparently she gave me a touch of it which kept me pretty much under wraps for the weekend. I ended up missing Wired (our weekend winter youth event) because of it; and also missed church this morning. It seems to be winding down--maybe the whole long weekend won't be wasted.

I ran into my old pal Aaron at the Realm Wed. night. It was good to see him again. Hopefully he and I can get together soon and play a bit (music--nothing weird). He's a talented young guy. Liz is supposed to sing with his band some soon. They do worship music for the high school on Wed. nights. I think he's also going to start doing some stuff for the college ministry; which is where I'll be serving after May. I'm looking forward to the transition. I headed up that ministry about 3 years ago; right before we left for Bethesda and the church plant. I love the middle school kids, but it's time for me to move to something else. I even sent a resume to a church in Pace that's looking for a pastor. It'll be interesting to see what God does with that one. Probably a 'Dear Mike' letter, but what the heck.

Pray for peace.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Since this is my first post since the Super Bowl just let me say HOW BOUT DEM GIANTS!

What a game. I was among the many who didn't really give them a chance, but secretly hoped for the miracle. Congrats to Ely and the whole team. I do, however, have to give props to the Pats for being very classy in defeat. Even though I don't like them, they handled everything graciously, giving the Giants full credit for beating them; not whining or making excuses.

Our friends, Mike and Amy, had their baby on 1-31; a little girl named Payton. Yea for them! They are going to be great parents. I'm excited that we will get to see them all in a few weeks.

I only have 3 weeks left before I start my 'new' job...actually the same job at a new plant. But it will get me closer to home and--best of all--it keeps me off the interstates and out of the traffic. It took me almost 2 hours the other day to get home when it should never be more than a 45 minutes drive. Hard to stay sane and calm when that happens. (Find your happy place)

I have also gotten calls from 3 different recruiters over the past couple of weeks. Not sure what that means, but it's interesting that it has happened during a time when Sandi and I are really looking at our options for moving back down south. We'll see what happens.

Pray for peace.